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The Comforter

The Comforter

The Comforter
Scripture: John 14:16 -  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.
Scent: French Lavender
Weight: 4 ounces
Ingredients: Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Mango butter, Distilled Water, Sodium Hydroxide, French Lavender Buds, Titanium Dioxide, Indigo Powder, French Lavender Essential Oil.

Are you considering this bar as a gift?  Include an inspiration card with your order that has the inspiration story for this bar on it.

Inspiration for "The Comforter"
In this life, we all need a friend. A helper. Someone who, in the hard times, can come along side of us and help us see the road we are walking more clearly. I don't know about you, but knowing that I have others to stand in in those moments is a huge comfort. I'm not alone, but even still, people are limited in the comfort they can provide. Jesus promised us as adopted children of God that He would return to heaven after His resurrection, and in time, would send a helper or comforter to us in His absence: The Holy Spirit. One who will never leave us but walk with us as we mature and become closer to God. What a comfort it is to know we don't have to go at this life alone and are always surrounded by His presence!

This real soap is intended to cleanse the user's skin but is not intended to heal or treat any condition. Ingredients in this recipe are present for the saponification process (turning oils into soap) or to color the batter and/or make the soap smell nice. This product is not intended to be used for any other purpose.

*Each bar is hand cut and weighs approximately 4 ounces.

This listing is for one bar.

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