Picture of Andrea Warren, owner of VaadaBella

Andrea Warren

Hi there! It is an honor to have you here getting to know VaadaBella. In 2021, I produced my first bar of soap out of a make-shift box mold with parchment paper layed around it's edges. It wasn't particularly pretty but it did a good job cleaning the dirt off of a person. That original recipe has been changed and tweaked and is what is lovingly call "You've Got This!" in my Signature Collection. Looking back, I think I named that bar as a way to remind myself during this soap and business ownership journey that I can accomplish anything, especially when God lays the foundation ahead of time. Joshua 1:9 is etched on that bar and it serves as a reminder of that beautiful promise that He will be with me wherever I go.

I am a wife to a career fireman, a mom of three boys, 30 chickens and two dogs. We all live in middle Tennessee. Though I have lived here for 20 years, my roots are from central Kansas. I adore serving in and with my church family as well as playing games with my family every Sunday evening.

I'd love to get to know you! Connect with me on social media or shoot an e-mail my way!

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